Spiggie beach with dog

Isle of Man

  • Isle of Man

    Isle of Man

    People often wonder why I came to live in the Isle of Man and it stretches back to 1967!

    However, many people have no idea about the Isle of Man. Many don't even know where it is!

    Isle of Man's location in Irish Sea

    Situated roughly equidistant between England & Ireland, in the middle of the Irish Sea, it has its own government ('Tynwald'), its own laws, stamps and money. It is NOT part of the United Kingdom but IS part of the British Isles and is, currently, a Crown Dependency. It is represented around the world by the British Government and its financial system is linked to the UK pound.
    It applies the same rate of VAT as the UK government so there is no Customs controls on entry or exit from the Island.


    Here are some official sites:


    Layout of Isle of Man

    The Island is divided into 12 'Sheadings' or Parishes.

    I live in Onchan (pronounced 'ON-kan'), just north of the capital, Douglas.

    A brief description..

    It started in y last year of primary school when the school journey' that year was to the Isle of Man. Before everyone went, we had to produce a project about it and had all contacted the Isle of Man Tourist Board in Douglas to request brochures etc to cut out pictures from and learn about the places and the history.

    Sadly, the day before departure, I was diagnosed with a cold by the school doctor and was prevented from going. I even asked for a 'second opinion' from my own doctor, Dr Shaw in Eversholt street but she agreed with the School Doctor.

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