Since my move from London in December and my subsequent visit in March, I've been asked quite a few time whether there is anything I have missed since moving. Well, apart from NOT missing the obvious harassment from Camden council, there hasn't been anything specific I have missed.
If I think hard about it, two things spring to mind...
Firstly, Market peas. Although there are a lot of farm shops in the Island and a few 'Farmers Markets' have sprung up in the past year or so, there are no local producers of garden peas. The only source are the two supermarkets, Shoprite & Tesco but these are much more expensive than they are in the UK.
The other thing I am starting to notice is the extra hurdles that need jumping before I can embark on an 'Impromptu journey'. In the past, and increasingly now I have no work commitments, if I wanted to visit someone, I just called them up to arrange it and got on the bike & went.
Now I have to consider the obstacle of getting to the 'mainland' but I've sorted one of the problems by leaving a bike close to Liverpool which means I can get a foot-passenger fare (& therefore have no need to book in advance) and I am already halfway up the country if I wanted to go North.