Bet that subject line got your attention!
However, it's nothing kinky, it's literally what it says...
My Aunt (Vera) made me a hand-made womble of Great Uncle Bulgaria which has sat in my old bedroom in London for many years gathering dust but I couldn't bring myself to throw it away when I left there so brought it to the Island.
It was VERY dirty though so needed cleaning up & I wondered what would happen if I subjected it to a 'gentle' machine wash...
Luckily, it seems to have come out of it relatively unscathed apart from the 'glasses' which were made of a very thin strip of leather and have perished... oh and a little of the stuffing came out through a small split in one of the sides and now seems to be everywhere!
But you can see how well it has 'scrubbed-up' :-)
An unusual subject and insight into just one of the interesting things I've kept busy with since my 'retirement' (Have I mentioned that before?)
I would just like to point out that this was given to me while I was still at school and not something recent!