Spiggie beach with dog

Today, I finaly had enough of the Christmas cards falling over every time I open or close my curtains..

..so I have taken them down.

I know it's not 12th night and some people think that is unlucky but, in the words of a neighbour about his lights, "..it may be unlucky but I've had enough of them now..." Same with me and the cards.

Despite asking people NOT to waste their money on cards which have a very limited shelf-life and only really make a profit for the card companies and the post office (that bit I don't mind too much), I still received in excess of 30 cards this year so thank you if you sent me one but please don't feel you have to next year!

Furthermore, you almost certainly didn't receive one back from me so allow me to, through this cheap(-ish) and worldwide medium, to wish you a very

Merry Christmas

and a

Happy New Year