Spiggie beach with dog

Another member for Saga...


Yes, Rod joins the growing band of people eligible for SAGA benefits as he celebrated his birthday at the start of August with a surprise party in Dumfreeshire.

Arranged secretly by Amanda under the cover-story of revisiting his birthplace in Dumfries everyone had to keep quiet about it for months - not easy for some of us, especially when he & Amanda visited the Isle of Man at the end of the TT.

Family from Devon (Mum & sisters), friends from France (Mark & Suzie), the Isle of Man (Byrne's, Browns and Crane) and around the rest of the UK all converged on the small village of Thornhill, some 15 miles north of Dumfries for a 'dinner-party'.


Long-time friend Dave Quantick provided the entertaining speech about Rod's early days (when he could drag the conversation away from himself:-) which also proved enlightening although sadly not too embarrassing!

All in all, a bl**dy great weekend.

Happy birthday Rod.