Once again, politicians are using the binge drinking to bring attention to themselves...
They obviously don't really care about people that 'binge drink' but need to be seen to be doing something.
Binge drinking is not new and has gone on in Britain since before the 1st world war.
That's not to say it's clever but it is another phrase that has been hijacked by the media to make everything sound worse than it is.
Yes, it does put pressure on the NHS, just as smoking did.. Or is this the next target of the do-gooders. They have scuppered the smokers so now lets have a go at the drinkers.
Lets be honest, any of the financial penalties they impose don't get to the institutions they should do but go back into the profits of the drinks manufacturers.
One thing I am in agreement with from today's 'news' report, the government is listening more to the drinks industry than the health authorities - but maybe that's not such a bad thing?